Pest Photo

Stanislaw Kinelski, ,

Small white-marmorated longhorned beetle

Monochamus sutor

Small white-marmorated longhorned beetle (Monochamus sutor) is an insect pest.

Newly hatched larvae feed under the bark, on the phloem, cambium and upper sapwood. Then they bore into the wood up to 4 cm in depth. Larval galleries in wood are about 8 mm wide and 15 cm long. Adults feed on the bark of young shoots, branches and the upper part of stems. This beetle prefers mountain spruce forests weakened by abiotic and biotic factors. It lowers the value of the wood. This is just one of many forest pests that are moved to un-infested forests by humans moving firewood. Help to protect our forests: don't move firewood! .

For more information about this plant pest, see the CAPS data sheet.
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